Over the course of more than 20 years, T3 has developed a global reputation and a unique distinctive system of grass roots football coaching for players 4 to 12. T3 Academies are run by coaches fully trained by Tom Byer in Japan, and all use the revolutionary T3 online coaching instructional platform and T3’s various multi media training tools.

The curriculum includes player technique development, periodical development planning, training session structuring, competition organization, as well as mental and social aspects such as coach’s code of conduct and behavior, communication skills, and young players’ physiological and psychological development.




T3-Australia is an Australian football organisation empowering the grassroots level of football. Through it's passionate team of grassroots experts, T3 Australia has created a unified strategy to develop the Australian grassroots football culture to world class standards.


Announcement Relating to Indonesia

Tom Byer and T3 International have terminated their relationship with the group called T3 Indonesia who are marketing football instruction services in Indonesia through http://t3indonesia.com/

This group's football programs are not authorised or approved by Tom Byer or T3 International and its coaches have not been trained by Tom Byer.

Tom Byer and T3 International are committed to providing the best quality soccer instructional services in Indonesia and we hope to find a reliable and reputable partner in the near future.